Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dreams from monday night, tuesday night 1st of this blog

Monday night: I was a member of a group of theives ... I don't remember what we were stealing, but I remember a getaway we made when we jumped into what I thought was a mini van, but the back window had a handle latch on itm I turned it, opened up the window and shot a pistol at the vehicle that was persuing us. We lost them, then got off the interstate and went back into the city. I don't know what city it was. Then we were all out of the vehicle standing around discussing our plans. I sounded like I was the leader because I said how we'd get out of town by staying off the interstate, that we'd go to the next town over then comeback the next morning to do our theiving. One of the guys didn't agree with my plan ... That's all I remember of that dream.======================

Tuesday Night: I dreamed I was trying to impress a group of people who were sitting on a curb. I was on top of a building behind them. I and someone else jumped from the roof of the building... a few stories high... and completely became swallowed up by the ground. It was like I was watching myself from a distance however.

The people thought I and the other person was trying to commit suicide, and said as much... so, I decided to show them all how I knew what I was doing. I walkied over about 100 feet and began moving my arms the way I do when I want to fly in my dreams. I immediately began to rise and flew really high. Then I was going to land infron of thos people, but I couldn't control my descent so I landed in a body of water... a river or lake. So I swam to shoe and as I walked up on shore, I found I was already standing on shore ... the me that was already on shore gave the other me the brown t-shirt I was wearing. The wet me asked me if the shirt was clean, I said, " well yea!"


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