Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Last night (monday to tuesday)

Last night:

Had a dream that I had a brand new motorcycle. It was parked outside a friends house, and I was planning on leaving. The motor cycle had a carrying compartment on the rignt side. I had to lift the a cover that exposed the real compartment lid which was locked. So I went in to get the key and the stuff I was going to stow in that saddle compartment.( I can’t remember what the stuff was, only that it might be possible that all the stuff I was going to put in it wouldn’t fit, but I’d make it fit.

Also I dreamed I was watching TV with someone who shall remain nameless, and this someone was babysitting a pretoddler. I was trying to get comfortable on the couch next to this girl so I layed my head over on her lap, then stretched my legs out . The next thing I knew the girls hand was sliding down in my shorts (playing with my “you know what”!) That didn’t last long… I got up and was planning on doing more but I had to go use the bathroom. This is when I looked down and saw that I had 2 peckers (one beside the other) . They were both semi-erect I noticed that one was a little shorter and fatter than the other. When I went back ot play somemore, the girl had rearranged the furnature, and the couch we were on (little did I know was a sectional) was split up and separated on different sides of the room.

This is all I remember.


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