Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Last Few Dreams

I've had a few dreams over the past week, but I'm sure I don't remember them all. Here are bits and pieces of 2.

As I napped one afternoon, I dreamed that myself and some others were at Fort Polk, Louisiana which was being invaded bysome foreign troops. I rememberhiding among some vehicles with those other people at a location overlooking a road that goes from South Fort to North Fort,, I think Missississippi Ave. Well, I felt really out of place among those other guys though I was trying really hard. Someone dropped an M-16, and I tripped as I attempted to pick it up.... I really don't remember much of this dream... We all ended up in the back of a deuce and a half, or a 5 ton, I'm not sure which and headed north.


The other dream is sexual in nature because I observed some cartoon dude as he stiirred a toilet bowl of water with his over sized penis. (don't ask me, I only watch these dreams).

these are all I remember... maybe I should get on-line as soon as I awake, but I have a teen aged daughter who doesn't allow me to tie up the phone line.... ha ha... or my wife wants to talk my ear off so I put off logging on till later ... then let it slip my mind.

Pathetic huh?


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