Sunday, October 09, 2011

Pink Chem Trail, Bus Trip with Puppies

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  • Sun 9 Oct 2011

    I woke this morning at about 7:45, then fell back to sleep when I had this dream.

    I was boarding a Greyhound bus, going on a trip to I don’t know where. There were people on the bus already, a few people.

    Before I boarded, I heard a strange noise and looked toward the direction of its source. It was coming from an object in the sky.

    At first, it looked like a large comet had made it through our atmosphere and was transversing the sky across the Monroe, Louisiana area. But, it was way too large to be a comet, and it wasn’t moving in a strait line.

    It was spinning in slow circular arcs and was leaving a trail of pink sparkeling smoke behind it. As the smoke particles (chem trail) fell, it began to spread out with the breeze, and I became nervous that it might be some kind of toxin.

    Then, the object became clearer… it was a helicopter.

    So we quickly boarded the bus and pleaded with the driver to get going. Before I got on the bus, I heard a sound that was like eminent death was about to happen. It was a horn-like screeching moaning sound.

    So, on the bus we began moving. We traveled for a time then the bus pulled into a parking spot at a rundown apartment complex where he lived.

    He said he would be right back as he exited the bus and went into his apartment.

    On the bus, we passengers began speaking to eachother. Someone had 2 puppies. One was a fluffy little thing that looked like a grey husky… the other…I can’t quite remember what it looked like, but they were both cute… although I preferred the husky. I was petting them as I held them.

    Suddenly I realized the driver wasn’t coming back and I thought about going into his apartment as some other passengers did just that.

    I followed some inside and thought about going through his stuff (snooping), but knew it wouldn’t be right if I did that.

    We passengers just went in to relax till the driver cam back.

    This is all I remember of this dream.


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