Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Reenlisting, Ride through Ft. Polk and Missed Bus

Morning of Mar, 26 2013

I'm not sure how well I'll remember this dream I had.  I think I'll remember only about 25% of it.

In this dream I believe I was reenlisting in the army.  I did realize it had been a long time since I was in, and I knew my missing toes and my legal blindness would cause me difficulties.

So, I was riding in a vehicle through Fort Polk, Louisiana. (I was stationed there for 7 years in the Active Army), but I had not been there in 20 years.

Sometimes I try remembering what the post looks like, but I'm not sure how accurate my my recollection is.

In this dream, I found I remember the place just fine.

I saw, very clearly, the fire station, the do-it-yourself auto mechanic garage, and some of the barracks.

I remember wondering and hoping that I'd be assigned to some of the newer barracks.  I was driven to an orderly room where I saw someone come out of a room.  I know it was my turn to go in next, but the guy who came out said something like, "I sure hate it for you."

 In another part of the dream I missed a bus I was trying to catch.

This is all I remember of these dreams.


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