Sunday, May 26, 2013

Martial Arts, Little Girl - Big Girl, and Time Dispute

May 26, 2013 - 7:40am

I believe I had a few dreams this morning.  If I recall any of the others I'll put them here.

I was on observing an Arfican-American boy, maybe 12 years old was practicing a martial art.  An adult male was acting as an attacker.  The adult stood behind the boy and acted as if he were going to give the boy a bear-hug.

The boy blocked the mans arms and did a series of moves that would have crippled the man if he wasn't just practicing.

(I was thinking that was pretty cool and thought how cool it would be to go to that martial arts school) 

From the movements of the boy I know that what he was doing was kung-fu. 

Then others I noticed others.  As I looked around, it appeared to be in an industrial area of an unknown town.  There were other people practicing martial arts in the street outside of (I think) a buklding that was their martial arts studio.

I saw a tall puerto rican or another race with an olive complection skin tone.  He was practicing some foot strikes that were part of a cartwheel.  He would drop to his hands and kick his feet over his head (from the side like a regular cart-wheel) then he would snap his legs down violently landing on the floor in an almost squatted postion.  His feet pounded loudly on the street. I guess his imaginary opponent might be on the ground, dazed, this manouver would really hurt.

Then I noticed some young kids running around, maybe playing tag.

Then I realized I was sitting at a picnic table.  A young girl,  around 6 years old ran over and tagged my leg. Then ran back.  I was observing them from about 50 feet away.  

Then another girl ran over to me.  She was a little older thatn the first girl.  Maybe 13.  She said someting, I can't remember what now. But I responded in a whisper, "okay".  She got up and moved to the other side of the picnic table.  I really saw her well, then.  She had blond wavy and curled hair.

She was beautiful!  She mimicked me and said in a whisper, "okay". Like she was flirting.  She asked me what time it was, so I pushed the button on my talking watch.  It said 6:12 pm.  So I repeated it to her.

Then, she was gone.  Now the picknic table had other adults sitting around it.  A woman sitting on the right-most-end seemed to want to correct my time recitation.  She had brown frizzy shoulder length hair and was about 55 years old.  She said something like, "6:18 is more like ti" with a condescending 'I'm right, you're wrong'  tone. So I looked up at a clock on the wall.  how there was a clock on a wall when we were outside is a mystery to me.  Anyways, I saw a round clock was a little fast.  Then that same woman conceeded, "Maybe the clock is a little fast".

This is all I remember of this dream.

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