Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rock Climbing, Nuke Thoughts and Motorbikes

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  • Part 1:   0ct 27, 2011
    I was with a bunch of people at the edge of a cliff.  The cliff wall was comprised of huge smooth rocks that led steeply downward to a rock outcropping that in turn led to the ocean.  I believe it was the Pacific Ocean.

    I got the sense I was with a group of folks who were on a confidence exercise and one of the instructors demonstrated how to climb down the cliff’s face without falling (without a safety harness or rope), then he demonstrated how to tie the end of the rope (that was dropped down to him) around his waste to be pulled back up.  The distance from top to bottom seems like was 100 feet or so.

    So, the instructor picked me out and asked if I want to try.  I was scared (nervous) but I agreed.  

    I was my ‘real’ age in this dream.  I remember thinking how odd it was to ask the slightly overweight and out-a-shape middle aged guy with no training to be a rock climber… but I was surprisingly good.  I chose the path I would take down the wall, where the hand and foot holds were closest together and where  it looked easiest.

    Once I was down, They sent down the rope.  It was a fat white rope (3 inches in diameter (maybe a little bigger).  I wrapped it around my waste, tied it in a clover hitch and hollered up, “I’m ready”.

    When I reached the top, I don’t remember removing the rope, I looked out across the vast ocean.

    It looked like it was very early morning, judging by the level of light.  I couldn’t see the sun, although it was not very cloudy.

    I remember thinking, almost expecting, to see the bright flash of a nuclear detonation far off beyond the horizon.  I wondered what it would feel like where I was standing if or when it occurred. 

    Then I could hear a radio broadcast.  Simultaneously I was at the bottom of the cliff again looking at a PVC-pipe jutting from the ground.  Water was flowing from it into the ocean.  It had a flap on it that would only close then water stopped flowing out or when wave action from the sea pushed against it.

    The radio broadcast I heard was of an announcer telling how the ‘water run off drains would be closed in the event of a nuclear disaster.

    Part II

    My wife, Candy, and I were at a store that sells used stuff.  (This is a dream-store in that I’ve never seen this store in real life before) accept possibly in another dream.  When the dream started, Candy and I were in the store’s outer foyer area.  We were watching some biker-dudes check out one of 2 bikes that were parked in a sort of rack that kept both of them upright.  One of the biker dudes said something like, “that’s a nice little (I think he said ‘lowboy’) or something like that.  They backed it out of the rack.  I remember it had a blue triangular seat.  It seemed to have a strange joint in the connection between the front wheel section of the bike and the remaing 2/3s of it… almost like there was an articulation behind the steering portion of the bike, but in front of the gas tank portion.

    The guys decided they were going to buy that bike.  They had to pull out the other bike while looking and I was hoping they wouldn’t buy that one before I got a good look at  it.

    So, they didn’t want it and put it back.  Immediately, I pulled it back out.  I saw this wasn’t a motorcycle like the other bike.  It was an old electric bike and I got a really good look at it.

    I asked to no one in particular, “where’s the motor?”  Answer came back, “Look under the electrical tape.”

    The electric motor was a long narrow device perhaps 1 foot long.  It was tapped beneath the transverse support bar between the sprocket housing and the handlebars. 

    I couldn’t figure out how it drove either of the wheels though.

    Then I saw a box of parts nearby.  It contained a gadget that had a little  wheel with a clamping device to lock onto a wheel rim.  It was like it fit over the tire, perhaps the front tire, and secured to the rim.  

    You see, I think this was a really old (heavy) modified pedal bike.  Their was a bell housing type device that hung in front of the front forks which also supported a basket (for a battery holder) I surmised. 

    While I looked the bike over, Candy went inside too look around.

    I asked the guy what he’d take for the bike.  He said, $10 or $15.  I decided I wanted it.  I thought  figuring out how to get it going would be fun, and I hoped the electric motor worked.

    About the time I decided to give $10.00 for it, my phone rang and woke me from my sleep.


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