Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fort Polk Military Police apartment raid: updated from November 2014

I found this short entry along with another that I had reverted to draft when I wrote them.  I ran across them not realizing they were just drafts and I made some typing corrections, hit update, and WHAM! they were posted. I thought of deleting them, but, eh, why not post 'em.

Right now it's about 10:00 pm and I had this dream earlier today.

I was at Ft. Polk again. so, I was riding in a vehicle and I noted as I looked up, I never saw this part of  Fort Polk before...

I was looking at housing units families.

There were at least 3 floors.  When I looked up  I saw stairs and a hand rail running parallel up 3 flights. 


I was with a bunch of law-enforcement officers at fort polk.  I felt a wave of nostalgia pass through me because I was part of the installation again.

We were going to raid one (or more)  apartment(s).



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