Saturday, October 01, 2016

10/02/16 Grief and Joy - The Girl I Lost and the Sight I gained

12:48 am.

In the first part of the dream, I was sitting in a chair when  I noticed a girl sitting right beside me  in another chair.  It looked as if she were reclined.  

It only took a few seconds for me to realize who she was.  (This is personal stuff.)  It was Jennifer, a girl I knew when I was in the Arm whom I truely loved.  Although I treated her well, I never expressed my true feelings for her.  It was like I was viewing her on a tv monitor because I gazed over her face from the top of her head to her chin, and I started crying.  

The sight of her beautiful face , brought to the forefront of my mind  the knowledge that  I had lost lost this girl.  These ideas, my sincere and total love for her were stuffed so far down inside that I never looked at them or thought about them.  But there I was in this dream and it hit me.  The sight of her   broke me down.  I was crying uncontrollably.

In the next part of the gym, I was walking along  doing nothing of importance.  I seemed to realize that  I could see clearly.  

I was walking around blinking hard in an effort to be sure it was real.  I think I was in the back of a car or something.  at one point I was anyway.  

But  When I could suddenly see I started praising the lord.  I couldn't stop.  A few people were there..   Karl, my boss was there as well as other folks from my work place.  

I think I might actually have been at work because I think I was in the process of helping someone when this sudden sight-revelation became apparent.  

Karl was very excited.  he tested my eyesight.  He pointed to some small words on something and said, "what does this say.  I easily read it off to him.  ZIn my dream I could actually see very well.... (first time this has happened in 13 yyears.

I was reading everything and praising God.  

My heart was filled with joy.  I was then with some other people realizing one of our patients was there and very sick.   

I suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash through me because I was celebrating in the midst of someone who wasw very sick and not exptcted to recover.

I believe this is where Karl pointed to me and used my story to encourage that person about the power of the one true GOD who can do the impossible.  

There is a third part of this dream where I was trying to help move some stuff for someone and there was a little plastic  clear box that had a spider living in it.  

I don't like spiders so I took the box through a glass door and set it on the threshold on it's side.  After a while there were birds of all kinds milling about outside that door.  I figured a bird ate that spider.  I was also hoping one would.

This is all I remember of these dreams.


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