Saturday, November 19, 2016

11/19/16 Flying inside and outside

Dream this morning was about me flying again.  But this time I was inside at first in what I believe to have been my childhood home.  I had great control of my flying ability this time and performed the usual 'chicken elbow' flapping.

To describe this motion more clearly, it's like my elbows grip the air and I pull against it... levitating me.  I'm not flapping my arms quickly, it's rather slow and deliberate.

To show my control I few across the breakfast bar with great skill and control.

Next thing I know I was outside looking at some tall 100 foot pine trees.  I wanted to see what they looked like from above so I decided I was going to fly up there to see.  I assumed I'd have not troubloe  since I had great control inside.

When I started to fly, however, I didn't have the control or power I thought I'd have and I don't think I mad it to the top of the trees like I wanted.

This is all I remember of this dream.


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