Sunday, September 16, 2007

Some dreams I had over the past few months

11 Aug 07
I was walking down town with an old friend, and looked up to see a strangely shaped rocket flying slow and low through the sky. It consisted of 2 joined sections. The front was flattened like the head of a toad, and the back was cylindrical. It was red, and it appeared to have some middle eastern markings onit.

Well, it flew through a brick building, came out the other side, then flew strait up, looping around in a large arc and came down on the top of a really tall building where it exploded. It didn’t create a whole lot of damage with the percussion, though a lot of debris did fall around… This missile released a stinking red gas that I tried to run from (holding my breath). I had a feeling my efforts would be futile, but I kept trying. End of that section of dream

Another part of this dream session had to do with a frog that was half dead and still trying to hop away.

Myself, and a few people were riding in the back of a vehicle, and we had a frog

It’s shape was cylindrical in the

7 march 2007

What a dream I had… the images were really sharp and defined.

First of all a buddy and I (in the military but trying to get transported back to Atlanta, our next stop got separated.

I was carrying a full an army green duffel bag, that had something breakable in it. I wass in the erecter set workings of some tall structure, and really high off the ground. There were other people there, and a platform ran horizontally through it. It was like the underside of a huge set of bleechers, or the underside of a great metal roller-coaster. And I knew I had to get to the airport by a certain time because if I didn’t I would miss the flight to Atlanta and would have to wait till the next day. I couldn’t afford a room so I’d be stuck.

Okay, I was walking on the long platform running through the girder system. And couldn’t find a way down. I was moving fast and almost fell off as I suddenly reached the end of the platform.

Not too far off in the distance, I could see the atlantic ocean, choppy and unforgiving looking, and I tried to see if there wer some kind of ladder forme to climb down on and there was none. I turned back, deciding to find a place to climb down, and started walking more slowely…

Finally I found a place and a person was there telling me something (I don’t remember)
I could only climb down so far, then had to drop my bag down by some large roll of insulation that was standing there on end. Knowing something in my bag was breakable, I dropped it ever so gently on the insulation then got myself down.

The next thing I know, I’m at the bus station needing a ride to the air port. There are three old ladies behind the counter. I ask them if they could find the number to the airport to find out when the last flight leaves to Atlanta so one of the women tells me to show her the article in the magazine where I got the information.

I told ther I didn’t have time to find and show her anything, and to please just get me the number. She insisted on seeing the magazine so I turned and started for the door… I guess figuring I’d just get a cab. But this thought was short lived becaused I turned right back around and went back to the counter knowing that (looking at my watch) it was 7:30 and I probably missed the plane anyway.

wierd dream

I haven't been writing my dreams down so much lately.... but I did have one where I was visited by Croom again... he's an old army buddy. He was an imposing, almost hostile personalit who razzed me pretty good when we first met. Any way, I wonder if he's still alive because he visits me in my dreams a lot.

I was simply laying on a bed watching tv in my dream when he came in and layed right beside me placing his legs across mine. I got the feeling then that this was to comfort me ... to let me know he was there and, not in a gay way.

This is all I remember of this dream.