Thursday, December 29, 2005

29 Dec 05

29 december 2005

Last night I dreamed I had a police issue .357mag at a school. I think I had it and I was going to show it to someone in an empty classroom, except for that one person. But then, I realized class would be starting in a matter of seconds, so I wanted to conceal the weapon. I put it in my pocket, but the outline of the gun showed through my clothes and I knew someone would see it and I’d be in deep shit. So, after realizing I couldn’t hide the weapon in the classroom anywhere, I broke the weapon down into 3 pieces, the barrel, the breech, and the pistol grips… I say breach because I don’t know what else to call the part of the gun that holds the cylinder, the hammer, and the trigger… So I put these parts in my pocket and and left the room I had to go up stairs to get to the ground (exiting) floor, and I took what I thought was a set of stairs rarely taken by anyone else. But, those stairs were a dead end, right into a concrete wall. So I took a different set of stairs, then walked down the hall and went out side where I thought I was ‘home free’. But, a teacher who was entering the school as I left, called me back in. I waited till she headed back in to stash the gun outside.

There was a sack of mortar mix laying on a plot of ground and I quickly put the gun parts under it. About that time, the teacher, suspicious about my delay stuck her head through the door and asked what I thought I was doing. I told her something I don’t remember.

This is all I remember of this dream

Sunday, December 11, 2005

December 11, 2005

Had a dream that I was at a place out side it wasn’t winter yet… I saw a big stone on the ground, so I picked it up and threw it as far as I could. It hit some bushes a long ways away and made a satisfying noise when it hit them. I wanted to hear that again, so I rummaged around on athe ground looking for one but couldn’t seem to find one that would be heavyh enough to get that same effect. Then I glanced under a big fallen and rotten log. I saw a goof stone thered, so I moved the log out of the way, I simply lifted it, got the stone then set it back down. I didn’t know the log was full of bees. They began chasing after me, so I was running down the country road that was suddenly plowed of snow, with snow banks on both sides, and as I glanced back I noticed many large birds flying behind me … and I heard a voice that was like a radio announcer voice over saying something to the effect that the birds were consuming the bees at record pace, but not fast enough… I though was far enough ahead to find a building that the voice mentioned was put up for humters to take shelter when they needed it… I found the house, it was a white frame house. I went in, closed the door behind me, then a fat (pregnant) girl wearing a pinkskin tight sleeping outfit came out of the other halof of the house via a door that was near the entrance. I could tell she had the hots for me, but I was totally turned off.

Then I was in a kind of bar.

Then I remember being in a house where I had a room off the hall way of a home where some other people were living. The walls of the room were orange. So, they let me stay there…. And, I suddenly remember that I was listening to the radio with dad, and a UFO invasion was pending… we were looking for the right frequency to pick up the alien radio noise… so Some guy was hooking up a parabolic dish, to use as an antenna, and he hooked up a microphone in the center of the dish and after when looking for a channel to listen to I decided to play the tape that was in the radio’s tape player… a few seconds later, the player ate the tape, so I quickly stopped it. I ejected it… Dad said throw it away… then he looked at someone else and said how once they get like that you have to cut the tape or throw it out… I was determined to fix it without cutting it.So, I was in that room and had the tape strung out on the floor, and I think I was making progress un twisting it when I left the room for some reason. The room was mine, it was full of my stuff. There was stuff on shelfs, on the floor, the bed ect…. But when I returned, the room was completely empty… and upon questioning of the other people in the house, they had no idea that that room was min…. finally, some old lady was in my dream as I finally left the house, she asked me what part of my name I preferred to use, I said Daniel Patrick, “the Irish part. She said (as I was wearing no shirt) “Yes, and a nice looking irishman’ or something lik that… like she had the hots for me. And I left.

This is all I remember of this dream

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Last Few Dreams

I've had a few dreams over the past week, but I'm sure I don't remember them all. Here are bits and pieces of 2.

As I napped one afternoon, I dreamed that myself and some others were at Fort Polk, Louisiana which was being invaded bysome foreign troops. I rememberhiding among some vehicles with those other people at a location overlooking a road that goes from South Fort to North Fort,, I think Missississippi Ave. Well, I felt really out of place among those other guys though I was trying really hard. Someone dropped an M-16, and I tripped as I attempted to pick it up.... I really don't remember much of this dream... We all ended up in the back of a deuce and a half, or a 5 ton, I'm not sure which and headed north.


The other dream is sexual in nature because I observed some cartoon dude as he stiirred a toilet bowl of water with his over sized penis. (don't ask me, I only watch these dreams).

these are all I remember... maybe I should get on-line as soon as I awake, but I have a teen aged daughter who doesn't allow me to tie up the phone line.... ha ha... or my wife wants to talk my ear off so I put off logging on till later ... then let it slip my mind.

Pathetic huh?