Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Old HOme, Old family and Nasty Cowb webs 1/22/2014

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  • Wednesday 1/22/2014

    Had a dream that I went to my childhood home, the home my mother still lives in.

    There were happenings prior to arriving at the house that I can't remember.  I do remember arriving at the house and going in through the cellar.

    In real life, the cellar is fairly large and one side of it is actually the garage for two cars with a set of two overhead doors.

    In my dream, something was definitely amiss.

    As I went in through the cellar door, I found the ceiling in their was only about 4 or 5 feet high with bare rafteers (the upstairs floor joists showing.

    My mom and some visitors; my cousins and their kids I think.... I think my uncle was in there too.

    There was like a narrow passageway they were sitting in.  They were sitting on lawn chairs and kitchen chairs and leaning back relaxing, talking like they would around the kitchen table.

    The problem with this was there were huge cowb webs all over the place.

    Some guy, I don't know who he was, was sitting with a big old cowb web just inches from his face.

    They were giving me the heebee-jeebees!

    Then I sat down.

    A girl of about 14 sitting acroos mee was speaking to me.

    I think she was my cousin's daughter... one of them anyway.

    I don't know what she was saying... Her lips were moving and I heard the sounds coming out of her moyth, but I didn't uunderstand.

    I was looking for anyone else to render a translation, but none did.

    This is all I remember of this dream

    (sorry for the typing errors I have just minutes to type this before work)

    Friday, January 17, 2014

    Prison cut-through interrupted and Dead Cat

    1/17/2014  I dreamed about two men that get in trouble when they try crossing through a prison.

    I was one of the two men in this dream.

    Place:  Upstate New York near the property of my childhood home.

    From the end of our driveway, you could go left about 3/4 of a mile then turn left on Shaffer road.  You could go about a mile up that road and everything on your left was our land.  On our land was an old logging road that goes strait back.  From our driveway you could drive toward the back of the property and it would emerge on Shaffer road.

    In this dream, me and a friend wanted to simply get to Shaffer road by cutting through the middle of the property.  In my dream version of this property, there was a prison situated in a narrow strip all along Shaffer road.

    In order to get to Shaffer road, we decided, against my protest that we would cross through the prison. 

    He went first.  What I remember of the dream was a lot of chain-link fence.  He climbed through what appeared to be a hole in the fence.  I watched him get shot at as he ran across the ground.  I thought he made it.

    Then I went for it.  I soon found out my friend had been shot.

    I got caught.  And when I was approached by a man, I asked if he was the wardern.  He looked pretty young to hold a post like that, but he was, indeed the warden.
    As I was being led away, I felt fury over the deadly tactic the guards took.

    I think I threatened the warden.

    As I was being let along, Isaw in a  little space behind a building and outside the fence by a shed was a dead white cat covered in flies.

    This is all I remember of this dream..

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    Wednesday, January 08, 2014

    Kid Poo & Old Friends

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  • 1/8/14 -

    This morning I dreamed I was in some large cluttered room  There was a child there who I was looking after... a boy of about 4,  5, or 6 years old.

    He looked up at me and said he had to go to the bathroom.  Then he said I had to stick my finger in his butt in order for him to go. (My step daughter had to do this with her son as a baby.

    I went and checked with my current 'real' employer.  "Do you want me to do that?" I asked.  He said "yes, but I would get a glove."

    So I went to do that but never got there.  I found myself looking for a push broom.  Karl, by employeer came shortly behind me also looking for a broom.

    Then I was out side at a park.

    I was with some people whom I didn't know.  A truck pulled up.  As I looked to see who It was, I realized it was my former bricklaying boss. Ron Brubaker and his son, Tommy.

    I said to Tommy, " I heard you had... died.  He said he almost did, but his girl saved him.

    They were sitting in the back of the pick-up truck and they both looked young an healthy.

    This is all I remember of this dream.

    Monday, January 06, 2014

    Battle of the Bands and ball cap

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  • 1/6/2014 - (with sarcasm) This dream was good!.. unbelievable.

    I'm having a hard time remembering this dream but I'll share what I do remember.  There were 2 songs in question.  One we had a good idea we would use, the other I had just finished and sent in... or was just submitted.

    A fellow musician had entered us in a battle of the bands in Los Vegas.... a national version.  In my dream I met with him and we went to a place to sign up.

    I was informed there were like 12 bands.  There was a woman there wearing a long brown leather coat that went to her ankles.

    So, we signed up.  Then we were at a bar.  I was at a table with my band-mate.  I remember thinking how crazy it was for me to play on such a stage as the one in Los Vegas because I had never even sang while playing a guitar and I couldn't sing to begin with.

    I asked the guy which song he submitted.  He submitted the one I didn't want him to use.  I just wrote one I thought was much better.

    He told me it didn't matter we could play them both.  The audience, he said, would be given acard and could vote for their favorite.

    Then the brown-leather-coat-woman from the sign-up came in carrying a box.  She produced two ball caps bearing the battle of the bands logo.  They were grey and white with ridiculously long and wide bills.  The bill also had a number on it as if it were the (I think)a 6th or 9th annual event.  I can't remember which it was...but I believe it was number 6.

    This is all I remember of this dream.

    Sunday, January 05, 2014

    Dream log writer ARRESTED! 1/5/14

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  • About 1/3/2014 I dreamed about being arrested.  It's the 5th now so I don't think I'll remember much...

    I remember I was let down a set of stairs at what I presumed was the police station cellar.  At the bottom of the stairs was a concrete wall. where one could go left or right. 

    I was escorted to the left.  I was taken to an  office.  Where a lady was sitting.

    I was hand cuffed. 

    I remember the lady saying over and over something like, "There's nothing like a good tip."

    I don't know what I was accused of...  or I don't remember.

    This was an instance when I woke immediately thinking, I'm glad this was a dream.