Wednesday, December 16, 2009

16 Dec 2009… I had a dream this morning.

My wife and I were at a house that was for sale. It seemed that we had already bought the house yet it still contained the former occupants stuff. Looking around, I remember thinking how great it was that all the stuff came with the house. On a wass, along with an assorted collection of odds and ends was a folding knife collection. There must have been a couple of dozen knifes hanging horizontally, on atop the other in or 4 columns. They were mounted on a motorized pully system that raixed and lowered the display at will.

In another room , the kitchen or maybe a sun room was a motorized bubble maker. A thing that looked like a small hair blow driyer,. The idea behind it is to stick the end of it into bubble solution, depress the trigger and bubbles came out. Well, when I depressed the trigger, right there where the gun hung on the wall, bubbles didn’t come out, the ceiling fan turned on.

In another part of the dream, I came across a single octive synthesizer with two cassette decks built in. It appeared to be (compaired to modern standards) a pretty old piece of equipment. I was trying to show my wife some of the things it could do. I was having a difficult time getting the thing to do anything, and just as I was figuring it out my wife lost interest.

Out side there were a bunch of junk vehicles. But, one, a camouflaged painted camaro with a supercharger motor was not a piece of junk. It had a light bar across the roof, kind of like a cop car but the light bar protruded past the edge of the roof on each side of the car (like it was too big).

When the car ran it made a peculiar whistling sound as the accelerator was depressed … as it was throttled.

There was an old truck of some sort. The body looked like it was in great shape. It might have been a ‘30s model something that looked kind of like a large PT cruiser. Anyway, the vehicle was used only to anchor a rope end. The other end of the rope , suspended from the ground extended out of sight.

This is all I remember of this dream.