Thursday, January 28, 2010

1/28/2010 Dream

This dream contained a person I haven't seen in 16 years. When I was stationed at Ft. Polk, a family took me in. That's right, they took me in and made me one of their own. This family was Keith and Beverly (Mother and Father), Teresa, Jennifer, and Amy (The Kids). I did everything at their home. I NEVER felt like I was a burdon, and I always felt welcome.

In this simple little dream, this short dream, I remember seeing Amy standing there smiling at me with 2 of her children. She was smiling because she was so happy to see me again, and I was elated to see her again.

The last time I saw Amy, she was like 11 or 12 I think. The dream left me yeauning to speak with the family again.

I called them on the phone today and reconnected with them. It was really refreshing to speak with Teresa again.

1/20/10 Dream

This dream was very emotional. You see, I deeply love my brother-in-law's kids. I was never able to have any of my own, and since I've been in the kids lives since they were born, I have strong paternal feelings for them.

That said, I dreamed someone was taking the kids away from their home. I don't know why. And the 3 kids, their mom and dad and I were outside as they were being pulled away.

I managed to pull emily aside to tell her she could call me at anytime, and if she needed anything all she had to do was call. I wanted to tell her these things, but I simply could not get the words past my lips. I was crying like a baby.

This is all I remember of this dream