Monday, May 07, 2012

Making Heads or Tails of my Near Death Dream

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  • I almost kicked the bucket a few years ago.  How it happened isn't important, but I was in a perpetual dream state for 3 days.  It seemed like a lot longeer than that.

    Maybe talking about my experiences a little more will help me comprehend what I experienced.

    In general terms, my near death dream consisted of different categories.  I'm going to talk about my dream in terms of categories just so I can  organize my memories easier.

    The dream contained.  1. Feelings of Evil and dread.  Feelings of joy and peace and hope.  I met people from outer space who didn't speak.  They only wrote oin little note pads.  They looked just like you and I, human.  There were 'alternate reality beings' that seemed  rather familiar to me.  It was like they were people I knew once who loved me.  Searching my real life memory, I remember the sounds of them, but in this dream, I was one of them.

    In this dream there were Native Americans (I was one)  who could summon aliens  space crafts.   The entire tribe lay flat on their backs under a starry night sky.  We mimicked the rhythm of the one who struck the drum.  We did this by patting our thigh  in unison. 

    One female indian could also 'tread air'.  She could fly, in essense.

    I was in a space craft that landed here on Earth.  The occupants of the craft were also native American.  They couldn't leave the craft without holding their breath, and they could only be outside the craft for a defined length of time:  as long as it took for the indians on board to chant a particular song.

    There were horses that could run on Ice (I bbelieve) using some special shoes.  A team of horses would pull a person behind them as he stood and slid on the ground; kind of like barefoot water skiing... only on snow.  The man being pulled was special somehow because not many people were able to handle the team. Also, there was anotheer special atribute to this person:  once he got going, he could levitate off of the ground and float behind the horses, as if he were on an invisible carriage.

    The hospital I was in (or should I say some dark scary version of it) was in my dream.  Several different portions of the dream contained the hospital.  In one, I was being hidden from my visiting family by the staff because they didn't want my loved ones to know they wanted to kill me.  Another portion had me cleaned and packed for human consumption.  Yet another portion had me repeating the same terrifying trip at light speed from on my rolling hospital bed to the end of the driveway at my childhood home in Remsen, NY.   about 1500 miles away.  Every time this repeated I saw a thread, or tracing of my trip.  I was supposed to get it right or I was doomed to repeat this for all eternity.

    Another part of my dream had to do with a war of some sort.  People were hording what little possessions they could scrounge up.  

    Hunting was prohibited, and all open hunting lands were fenced.  The government was hunting game to feed people.  At one point, I was a cleaned and packed mallard duck.  This was truly terrifying.

    I believe at one point there was some kind of chemical or bio attack.  One group of about 500 foreigners were killed in a temporary housing building.  They came  with their families to the southwest (Texas I believe) to buy homes that were built for them.

    I remember thinking how bad it would be to be the ones to go in there  to remove the bodies.  Somehow I knew it was going to be a long time before anyone could go in the building because of what killed the people.

    Another portion of the dream was what looked like a factory that was set on fire.  The way it smoldered in the night made me think it was pink Owens Corning fiberglass... It wasn't exactly burning; it was glowing red.  There were cars backed up on what looked like  an  interstate off-ramp.  People were standing outside their cars looking.  A woman, holding her baby, was slowly walking behind the fenced in factory parking lot very near the embers.  She laid her child in the smoldering embers and walked away.

    At one point, I was in an airplane circling a city.  As I looked out the window,  I could see the glowing red factory and the cars stopped on the off-ramp.

    In this dream there was the anticipation of a nuclear explosion somewhere out west.  People were taking to underground shelters.

    I was with some folks at one point who were walking down a deep drainage canal.  It seemed to wind deeper, and deeper beneath the surface.

    One part of the dream had to do with trash and space.  That's right.  I was with some human-looking-alien-beings on the moon, of all places.  The aliens were disgusted that a mound of garbage had reached from Earth to the moon's surface.

    We began a cleanup.

    In another part of the dream (I am starting to remember as I recount details, We had prepared for something.  I can't quite remember what it is.  I have the distinct feeling it had to do with putting up an antenna.  It seems it was something we should have done sooner, but my brother and I finally got to it; at out old house on Miller St. in Utica, NY.

    In one part of the dream, I think I was a sea gull or some other creature that was hanging with the seagulls.  They took care of me to make sure I didn't fall as they flew about the impossibly tall masts of a sea going vessel.   The beings I was with, gulls or whatever they were, created a pallet for me to lay on.  I was just going to ride but was chased away by something.  

    At another point of the dream, I was a small being... a bug sized thing that could fall beneath the narrow cracks between rocks to hide with the rest of my fellow beings.  I don't know what sort of being I was in this case, but I rode a small bull-like being.  I had a sword and my fellow beings seemed to like competing in fighting matches.  I think my bull-like creature was killed at one point.

    There were more alien parts to this dream.  At one point, I was surrounded by about 4 clear talking aliens.  They seemed to calmly discuss how they should proceed to treat me.

    My family were actually aliens in one portion this dream... my Mother, Father, brother and sister, and me came here on a ship from a seemingly nearby planet.  Something happened to the ship, and we  had to leave abruptly.  I don't remember what it was.  At one point, I was standing in the sunlight, on the grass-covered hill at my childhood home.  I could feel the finiteness of my life... of the universe... that time began when I was placed there and would soon end.  It was like the clock from the beginning of my existance didn't accumulate, it actually began at it's endpoint, and started counting down to my end.

    There is more outer space stuff I'll leave out for now.

    I dreamed of other native americans.  One such dream had to do with getting out of a predicament.  Only a firewalker could get in and out of a place to get something, I don't know what it was.  Every so often fire would blast out of the hole in the ground where the fire walker went in.  The fire walker could jump really high enabling him to escape the hole in the ground after retrieving the item.
    Others tried and died.

    I'll stop here.

    any questions, let me know.  Leave a comment.