Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Human Trafficking - woman, girl and boys.

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  • 8/17/14

    Last night I dreamed someone wanted to sell me a girl.  As the person walked with me around the side of their property, we came upon a chain link fence.  It was located right next to a city street.  Then I realized it wasn't just a fence.  It was one of them dog pen enclosures.  It was about 4 feet high and on top of the dog pen was a lumber pile/rack.  

    As I looked, I noticed a sheet of plastic covering the girl.  There was a dog in there sleeping with her.

    I could only see her dark hair since she was covered.  up.

    I asked the person with me how long she's been there.  I was told 8 years.  To myself  I was like, "Damn !"  

    Then the person with me went back in.  As that person went in, the girl started getting up.  Under my breath, to the girl I whispered, "Hang tight, I'm gonna get you out of here."    I saw she was a little older than I had imagined.  She was also slightly - big boned-.  

    Then We were inside.  The person who was selling the girl was fixing a steak dinner for us.  The room was run-down and sparsely furnished.

    I asked how much they were asking for the girl, they said like 8 or 9 thousand dollars.

    Then 2 little boys and a little girl came into the room.  The boys went toward the kitchen... I didn't get a look at them.  The dark hair girl of about 3 years old came toward me.  Shje had a round face and round eyes and looked a little dirty.  As I attempted to pick her up, she recoiled. and ran back to where she came from.  

    I was taken to a trap door where it was opened.  I looked down at a ladder leading down into a stable like area.  There was hay around and I could see some stalls.

    This is all I remember of this dream.