Spider, Woman & Genghis Khan
Dreams: one I had 2 nights ago and 1 I had last night. 1-12-2011 & 1-14-2011
Two days ago: I was on a road where a small bridge (the kind with the thick-cabled-guard-rail. The bridge spanned a rocky ravine where a river coursed some 30 feet below.
As I peered downward toward the water, I saw people down there. They appeared to be just hanging out. One lady lay back on a lounge chair with a baby or puppy or some small creature.
Also, there was a large spider web attatched to the underside of the bridge. It extended downward toward where the lady lay.
Some kid was standing by a strand of the web, plucking it, lightly like a guitar string to coax the spider from its resting spot.
The spider didn’t move… yet. Then the lady moved. I think she his the web with her leg or something and the I saw the spider bolt toward her.
I ran too. I was going to get down there to save her. I half ran/slid down the embankment and as I reached the level of the lady, I looked up to see her wearing nothing but underwear and a white bra. She was sexy. I was embarrassed for seeing her.
Last night’s dream:
I was in a class room. I think it was a college class. I was surrounded by other adults sitting at desks listening to the teacher. She was explaining Genghis Khan influence on Christianity (of all things) and some relationships with other empires. I realized I had nothing to write notes on except a pamphlet that was already filled in with text. I decided to write in the blank spaces.
I felt as if I were doing well in the class, and that I had a good grasp of what the teacher was saying. Although I can’t remember what it is now, she was talking about one thing in particular that I knew something about.
This is all I remember of this dream.