Actually this post should be above the preceeding one. I, however, am too lazy to change the error I made in posting. Sorry for the confusion, and please pardon my mis spelled words here since I am not running smell shecker rear (spell checker here).
3 January 2006
Dream I had this morning just before waking up.
Some dudes and myself were engaged in some kind of weird game. There was a dude named Richards who I knew from the army who was on one team, while I and 2 other guys who I didn’t know were on my team. Richards has 2 team mates also, whom I didn’t know.
We were all inside, within close proximity of each other and we were going to go at it with some hand to hand combat, exceptwe had cutting weapons.
I think I remember going through this at least 2 other times before this last which I remember best.
So what happened was knowing that Richards was going to come at me with his long knife, I said, hold it…. yellow team ready? And I walked around a partition and checked on my other 2 guys one appeared ready, the other was saying ‘ready’ while hiding in an army duffel bag.
Richards said, ‘read team ready’ and then I lunged at him with my box cutter/ utility knife slashing at his neck… he showed me how he was going to cut my hand off with that knife.
My box cutter had a broken blade on it.
I woke up
08 January 06
Dreamed there was a teen aged boy with downs syndrome *Trisomy 21)
On a hospital bed in a hiospital room. I don’t remember much about this dream except that I entered the room twice. One time totalk to the boy, the other time to talk to the boy and reassure im. This second time, He was laying on his side, and though lying on his side he was dressed and covered. I though the might be getting ready for an enima or a colonoscopy.
In another dream I was sitting in a room of church benches. There was a guy sitting next to me with his girl friend between him and I. She was whispering stuff to the guy andthey were talking.
Then she left and another girl sat down next to him and he paid her to perform oral sex on him which she did, and the all the people in the room boo’d him.
11 Jan 2006
This morning I was dreaming that I was talking to an old Army buddy. Croom is his last name. Well, in my dream, it was like I was visiting with him for the first time since we were in the army together 18 years ago. In my dream, I remembered how he used to razz me pretty good when we first met, since I was really green, and he wanted to see what I was made of. I don’t remember what we were talking about, or rather what he was saying, but he looked really happy. He was laying in bed, and I was sitting in a chair beside the bed.
I was going to reminisce about how he used to give me a hard time, but I woke up … not getting the chance.
18 jan 2006
This morning I had a pretty intricate dream, if I can remember it all…
I was in a kind of clothing outlet store… it was pretty basic. That is it had some old gray concrete stores and just basic shelves/racks like at home depot or something. So, oh before this place, I was sitting with somepeople at a sort of diner. And I ordered my food… I remember that I had to get a large coffee because the smaller cups which were supposed to be by the coffee machine were gone. So, I got a cup from a tray which was next to the Iced Tea Pitcher. Any way, I ordered my food. Then someone said he was going to another place for dougnuts and asked if I wanted him to bring me some back… which I felt guilty about getting, but wanted them none-the –less. I pictured getting a few apple turnovers but when the person got back I opened up the bag to see and eat some chocolate glazed ones.
Now, the outlet….I think the place was where they make the clothes in the back somewhere…. Anyway, I think I had a locker there (out front somewhere) which contained my green army duffle bag. I was looking for it so I could retrieve the new clothes someone had bought for me and were supposed to put in there… When I found it, I was only retrieving my old clothes which I decided I might as well put on… then I noticed my new clothes were tacked to the wasll like a department store display or something. So, The next thing I knowis I’m picking up my clothes and there is a girl sweeping or mopping on the other side of a rack she suddenly told me, “wow, you’re so muscular’ I thought to my self that I’m not that muscular then looked down at my chest which actually is muscular and I said, “well, thanks”.
So I was walking up and down the rows of shelves, and the place was a mess with clothes everywhere. Then I went in the back. There were some hallways that intersected in a corner where I was standing. One hallway ran straight infront of me the other ran to my left. The walls were concrete… there was an office located along the inside wall on my left , and a guy was in there. He asked me what I thought I was doing. I told him I needed a tape measure, a rular, anything to measure the width of a door because I had to get a washing machine through it. He looked blankly at me so I said that T-square behing you would work (even though the top 1/5 th of it was broken. He went to get it for me and suddenly I realized I had a yard stick in my hand so I yelled, never mind and I went to measuring a section of the hall way wall on the inside corner which had a diagonal portion instead of a 90 degree corner it had a 2 foot sland there I thought I might put the washer, but the washer was going to be to wide… So, the next thing I know, the guy is running outside into the showy parkinglot and some other guys (mafia types) are out there telling him he better have their money snd such and the guy jumps into his red ford ranger and puts his foot in the gas so that his tires are spinning on the slushy parking lot. The slush is like 6 inches deep, on top of snow.. so he does this reverse doughnut and backs up the parking lot in reverse. And, since he has to back up hill to get out of the parking lot, he barely makes it but when he does make it he doesn’t stop and does another doughnut in the road and takes off… then it’s like I’m in thebed of the truck and I feel how rough the road is under the truck. And I see how brown with slush and packed old snow the driveway is.
End of dream…