Hospital, Gift Shop, Weapon Rack, Karate Man
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Sept. 16, 2011 Early Morning Dream
I was pushing a black guy toward the hospital elevator in a wheelchair. He wanted to go outside so we got on the elevator.
Suddenly, instead of being outside, we were downstairs in a gift shop type of room. I was looking at the items hanging on the store shelves. I was looking at a variety of handguns and ammunition. I was sure the items were toys, but I took one of the pistols down, took a bullet down, loaded the weapon and I just knew it was real… Yet, it was being sold as a toy.
I’m not sure what happened to that handgun when I started to leave, a guy came in whom I was sure wanted to kill me and other people in the store.
Suddenly I didn’t have that handgun in my hand! So, I quickly went back to that shelf looking for a replica of the gun I was just holding, but found instead, a .44cal revolver (Dirty Harry-esque), found a package with 1 .44cal bullet and prepared to defend.
I made an error, however, stepped out into one of the main isles and the dude was standing there pointing a weapon at me. I don’t remember what he looked like or what he was holding.
I do remember that suddenly, he wasn’t armed. This heartened me and I prepared to kick his ass. I wanted him to know I had the ability, and that I was, in fact, going to kick his ass so I did a kind of weird front kick… and grabbing my ankle, Pulling my foot up by me ear in a display of awesome flexibility…. And this is when my wife woke me up this morning.
Brother, Police Car and Mall Crasher
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Last night I went shopping with my brother at a second-hand-store. He pulled up to the store in a big black and white Chevy Caprice Classic - an old police car without the emblams.
I automatically figured he bought it at an auction... so we went in the store.
I'm fuzzy on what transpired in the store, but I do remember walkiing out with clothes-on-hangers draped over my shoulder. I couldn't see Tom's (my brother's) car.
We walked and walked. He was walking considerably faster than I was and finally I asked, "Did you park far enough away?"
We finally made it to his car. He parked it close to the Mall building - near what looked like an attached Mixican-cantina-eaterie. You know, like you could park outside and go in to eat, or you could get into the eaterie by going through the mall.
I could tell it was Mexican because of the stucco arches and the basic adobe looking exterior.
Tom's car was parked in the nook where the shopps store front jutted out from the rest of the mall, like he was "playing" a cop who was watching for speeders. I also thought he did this so maybe he'd have a better-cooler parking place.
So, I opened the door and put my clothes in the back seat. (Suddenly the car was 2-door instead of 4-door. I got in. Tom got in.
Then he started showing off. He gunned the engine toward the interstate off-ramp! A car was coming down that ramp so Tom hit the brakes and slammed it into reverse. (I thought it was odd because I didn't feel any inertia at all.
So, the car was slammed in reverse, and he hit the gas again. Tom said something like, "Isn't it cool how this car seems to drive itself?" He was picking up speed in reveerse, without looking back.
I on the other hand was looking! I saw the Mall building (what looked like the Automotive center garage wall) approaching quickly from the rear. I yelled, "You're gonna hit the wall!" He said, "No I won't. Don't worry. I got this." Then his rear passanger quarter panel smashed into the split-faced-cinderblock wall.
The car smashed into the wall like a Stock Car at Daytona, and crumbled.
This upset me terribly. I started crying my eyes out.
I had the feeling that I was glad to finally be crying. Like I needed to cry. I was sheilding my eyes from my brothers view, but simultaneously wanted him to know I was crying. As I would sneek a peek through my fingers, I did see that he too was crying.
Oh yea, when he hit the wall he exclaimed, "Oh man.... man!"
This is all I remember of this dream.
Jump, Ceiling Tile, Sloppy Blocks, and British Boss
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I had 2 major dreams last night and this morning. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the first one.
I was on an inside construction site. It was a large warehouse type building that had some shoddy ceiling tiles, and I was there as a construction worker.
I had the ability to jump really high. The ceiling was a long way up, like 25 or 30 feet. So, I jumped, showing off to the other workers, and touched the ceiling tile with a closed fist, accidentally punching a hole. The boss was there, he was perturbed with me, so I said I’d replace it.
So, I started looking around for a ladder that would enable me to reach the ceiling and was unable to find one tall enough. Eventually, I did find a tall step ladder, but it still wasn’t quite tall enough, though I tried it any way.
I had to stand on the very top, and stretch as far as I could to reach the ceiling… still not re3aching. Then I lost my balance and started to fall. Thankfully the wall was right there to help support me… but I froze… afraid to move… kind of stuck there for a minute trying to figure out how I could regain my balance without falling.
I heard the boss, who was watching, say I had some kind of syndrome. I can’t remember the term he used.
I got down and started looking for items I could use to extend my reach… levels, shovel handles and such.
As I again went to remove the damaged ceiling tile, I looked up to see many tiles were damaged and I couldn’t find the one I was supposed to change.
There was a block laying job in progress, and I surveyed the work that was done already.
The wall being built was about 4 courses high at this point, the fourth course stepped out (unusually far) upon the third. The block layers weren’t cleaning the squished out mortar from under the lip. It was just gobbed up, squished out and pretty bad looking.
And I was standing there, I think a block layer myself, and I was getting ready to work when 2 guys, stepped behind me and urinated on the wall directly behind me.
So, I walked around some more surveying the room. The building seemed divided by a wall that had a few openings. I could see some auto mechanic tools through one of the openings, and some auto parts hanging on the wall itself.
I went and sat at a round table in the corner where the boss-man was sitting. He was reading the paper.
I got a good look at him. He was a white guy, he had a recessed chin, thin mustache, pointy nose, brown eyes, and strawberry blonde hair.
His eyes reminded me of my brother’s eyes, His facial structure reminded me of the tennis player, Roger Federreer (sp?).
When he talked he sounded like he had a British accent.
This is all I remember of this dream.